Improv Kids Spring 2024


Improv Classes Thursdays
January 11 - April 4th
Performance:  Friday, April 5th

Beginners 5:30pm - 7:00pm
Intermediate 5:30pm - 7:30pm
Advanced 7:00 - 8:30pm


Director: Mr. Paul 50

WSPA Stage phone: 407-359-5309 (call or Text)

Explore the Elements of Improv in our improv classes and summer camp. You will learn some of the core fundamentals and principles of improv, focusing on various games and exercises that encourage trust, communication, agreement (“yes and”); active listening, character, status, and making your scene partner look good. Through Improv education, students will achieve personal growth and self-confidence that will help them to excel in other areas. Improv is a great tool to enhance skills in working with others, problem-solving, developing confidence, and a creative style.

Our season will conclude with an Improv Performance Date to be announced.

Tickets will be by donation.

Student Information

If you are not sure which level your student is, please select beginning. We will evaluate students during the first few classes and place them in the correct level at that time.

Parent 1 Information

Parent 2 Information

Emergency Contact