Improv Kids Spring 2025
Director: Mr. Paul 50
Reception: reception@wintersprings.org
WSPA Stage phone: 407-359-5309 (call or Text)
Improv – Beginning
Ages: 10+
Schedule: Thursdays, 5:30 PM – 7:00 PM
Dates: January 16 – March 13
Demonstration: March 14
Location: Stage
Cost: $250
Explore the exciting elements of improv in this beginner-level class! Students will learn core fundamentals and principles of improv, focusing on games and exercises that encourage trust, communication, agreement (“yes and”), active listening, character development, status, and making their scene partner look good. Through this class, students will achieve personal growth and self-confidence that will help them excel in other areas. Improv is a fantastic tool for enhancing skills in working with others, problem-solving, developing confidence, and fostering a creative style.
Improv – Intermediate
Ages: Invite Only
Schedule: Thursdays, 5:30 PM – 7:30 PM
Dates: January 16 – March 13
Demonstration: March 14
Location: Stage
Cost: $250
This class is for students ready to deepen their improv skills. Participants will build on foundational principles and explore more advanced techniques, including character-driven scenes, long-form improvisation, and ensemble collaboration. Placement in this class is based on experience and determined by the instructor after the first class.
Improv – Advanced
Ages: Invite Only
Schedule: Thursdays, 7:00 PM – 8:30 PM
Dates: January 16 – March 13
Demonstration: March 14
Location: Stage
Cost: $250
For experienced improvisers, this advanced-level class offers a challenging and rewarding environment to refine and elevate their craft. Students will focus on mastering complex improvisational formats, nuanced character work, and high-level ensemble dynamics. Placement in this class is based on experience and determined by the instructor after the first class.