Spiders! Snakes! Bats! Worms! EWWW!! AHHH!! Join the wiggles and squiggles as the Itsy Bitsy Spider, Daddy Long Legs, Hook Worm, Snake, and a host of other critters take over the stage. But wait! No need to scream . . . just listen carefully and you will learn how things that make us squirm can be A-OK!
- Ages: 5+
- Schedule: Wednesdays, January 22 – May 7
- Performance Dates: May 9 & 10
- Location: Stage
- Cost: $500
This production is limited to 20 students.
Note – Tuition includes registration fee, all rehearsal materials, performances, and a T-Shirt.
Paying online now will incur a 4% processing fee, or you can pay by cash or check on the first day of rehearsal to avoid all fees.